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dc.contributor.authorPurbosari, Mehita Retno
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Tri
dc.description.abstractAbstract. Schizophrenia is an illness that influences brain and it also causes peculiar thought, perception, emotion and body movement. Moreover, if the patiens disobedient in taking medicine they will get relapse. Behavior in taking medicine can be caused by some factors, they are knowledge, attitude, and family support. This research is aimed at knowing the correlation of knowledge, attitude and family support with the obedience of taking medicine towards schizophrenia patients in Polyclinic of State Asylum Atma Husada Mahakam Samarinda 2017. Descriptive correlative was used as design in the research and cross sectional as the approach. The technique sampling was using purposive sampling as many as 80 samples. The data analysis was using Chi Square. The research result show that there is correlation between family knowledge and the obedience of taking medicine towards schizophrenia patients by the p value: 0,014. There is no correlation between attitude and the obedience of taking medicine towards schizophrenia patients by the p value: 0,184. there is correlation between family support and the obedience of taking medicine towards schizophrenia patients by the p value: 0,006. The recommendation given to the Asylum is that it should give a better service to the schizophrenia patients and their families. Moreover, if the disobedience in taking medicine is caused by the lack of knowledge, attitude and family support so they must be given optimum education. Besides, the family are hoped to give good support and motivation to the schizophrenia patients in order to make the them obedient in taking medicine.id_ID
dc.subjectFamily Support and Obedienceid_ID
dc.titleCorrelation of Knowledge, Attitude and Family Support with the Obedience of Taking Medicine Towards Schizophrenia Patients in Polyclinic of State Asylum Atma Husada Mahakam Samarindaid_ID
dc.title.alternativeHubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Skizofrenia di Poliklinik Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Atma Husada Mahakam Samarindaid_ID

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