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dc.contributor.authorYuliawati, Ratna
dc.contributor.authorLintar, Risma Arum
dc.contributor.authorRachman, Ainur
dc.contributor.authorWahyuni, Marjan
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dc.identifier.issn2083 9930
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: East Kalimantan is one of the largest areas of coal mining industry which can cause health problems, such as lung function. The purpose of this research is to find the factors associated with lung disorder among coal mining workers in the Coal Processing Plant at Kutai Kartanegara. Methods: This research was observational analytic with cross sectional design. There were 20 respondents which participate in this research (total sampling). Data collected by questionnaire and assessing lung function by spirometer. Data analyzed with chi square. The results: of Bivariate Analysis showed that there was a corelations between smoking habits and lung function (p=0.02), the use of masks and lung function (p=0.038), duration of work and lung function (p=0.04), and dust inhalated with lung function (p=0.04). This research also resulting with no correlation between age and lung function (p=0.77) and exercise habits and lung function impairment (p=0.178). Conclusions: Based on research results, to maintain health of coal mining worker, the factory should apply smoke prohibition, safety assessment for worker, and manage time of work for the workers.id_ID
dc.publisherJournal of Public Health in Africaid_ID
dc.relation.ispartofseries2019;10(s1):1195;90 92
dc.subjectlung disfunctionid_ID
dc.subjectcoal mining workersid_ID
dc.titleAnalysis of Factors Related with Lung Disfunction among Coal Mining Workers in Coal Processing Plantid_ID

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