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dc.contributor.authorSatyabakti, Prijono
dc.identifier.citationArifianti, Nur A., Harbandinah, Priyadi Nugraha, (2008). Analisis Faktor-faktor Penyebab Niat Wanita Pekerja Seks yang Menderita Infeksi Menular Seksual Berperilaku Seks Aman (Safe Sex) dalam Melayani Pelanggan, Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, vol.3/no.2/Agustus 2008, hal.103. Arifin, M. Soegiarto, Ulya, E.Y., (2007). HIV/AIDS, IMS dan Narkoba dalam Paradigma Islam. Surabaya: Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya: 26-29id_ID
dc.description.abstractGonorrrhoeae infection in Indonesia has the highest rank among other types of IMS. The result of Biological and Behavior Integrated Survey in 2011 showed that the prevalence of Gonorrhoeae was 36,6%. In Samarinda the the pravelance of Gonorrhoeae on WPS in 2011 wa 11,15%. WPS is group with a high risk of being infected with Gonorrhoeae and has a potential to transmit it to sectional approuch, performed in three localization in Samarinda. The sample of the study was 184 respondents. 55,4% respondents were in the age group of 21-30 years old; 38,6% respondents had elementary education; 77,2% respondents had worked WPS 24 monts and 85,3% respondents were divorced. From 184 respondents, 23 respondents were positively infected with GO (12,5%). The result of ordinal regression thest showed that there is a role of FSW (negotiation practice and pimp support) in condom use as an effort to prevent Gonorrhoeae transmission in localization of Samarinda. The result of logistic regression test analysis showed a relation between condom use and Gonorrhoeae infection . Condom use is one of the efforts to prevent Gonorrhoeae transmission. Hopefully, with training on negotiation and pimp support on condom use, the incidence of Gonorrhoeae infection among WPS would lower.id_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Airlanggaid_ID
dc.subjectGonorrhoeae Infectionid_ID
dc.subjectCondom Useid_ID
dc.subjectFemale Sex Workerid_ID
dc.titlePeran Wanita Pekerja Seks dalam Penggunaan Kondom sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Penularan Gonorrhoeaeid_ID
dc.title.alternativeThe Role of Female Sex Workers in Condom The as an Effort to Prevent Gonorrhoeae Transmission in Localozation in Samarindaid_ID

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