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dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to analyse digital technology transformation which marks the changes in economic sector through Digital Economic Transformations in Global South scope. This research used digital economy concept to show the transformation process from conventional economy to digital economy, marked by the increasing number of e-commerce platform appearances. This, for Global South, affected its political, economic, and sociocultural aspects. Digital Economic Transformations eventually brings its own opportunities and challenges for Global South to be able to better raise their bargaining position in the global economy. Using the theory of bargaining position, this research explained the Global South’s efforts to respond to the challenges by establishing digital economic cooperation with countries of the South (South-South Cooperation) to improve Global South’s bargaining position in facing challenges in digital economy era.id_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Gadjah Madaid_ID
dc.subjectDigital Economic Transformationsid_ID
dc.subjectGlobal Southid_ID
dc.subjectSouth-South Cooperationid_ID
dc.titleGlobal South Opportunities and Challenges in Facing Digital Economic Transformationsid_ID

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