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dc.contributor.authorElviandri, Elviandri
dc.contributor.authorAsrizal, Saiin
dc.contributor.authorFarkhani, Farkhani
dc.identifier.citationAbubakar, Muhammad Zaki Syekh. Pengertian Hadis Misoginis (Bagian Pertama). Lampung: Laboratorium Studi al-Quran, 2012. Alamsyah. Menyikapi Hadis-Hadis Misoginis. (Laboratorium Studi al-Quran), dikutip pada http://menyikapi-hadis-hadis-misoginis-html. Bakar, Syekh Abu. Menyikapi Hadis-hadis Palsu, terj. Muhammad Wakil. Semarang: CV. S. Agung, Darussamin, Zikri. Pemikiran Fatima Mernissi Tentang Hadis Misogynist. Pekanbaru: Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Sulthan Syarif Qasim, 2001, Jurnal Ushuluddin Ilmu-Ilmu Dasar Keislaman Vol. 4 No. 2. Desember 2001. El-Fadl, Khaled Abou. Melawan “Tentara Tuhan” yang Berwenang dan yang Sewenang-wenang dalam Wacana Islam, terj. Kurniawan Abdullah, Jakarta: Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2003. Fudhaili, Ahmad. Perempuan Di Lembaran Suci; Kritik atas Hadis-hadis Shahih. Jakarta: Kementran Agama RI, 2012. Gross, Rita M. Feminism and Religion. Bostom: Beacon Press, 1996. Ilyas, Hamim, dkk. Perempuan Tertindas? Kajian Hadis-Hadis Misoginis. Jakarta: PSW IAIN Sunan Kalijaga kerjasama dengan Ford Foundation, 2003. Kitab Shahih Bukhari dalam Maktabah Syamilah. London School. Beyond Borders: Communication Modernit & History, (Jakarta: STIKOM The London School of Public Relations, The First LSPR Communication Research Conference, 2010. Masduki, Anita. Perempuan dalam Islam, Hadits Misoginis versi Fatimah Mernissi. Bekasi: Voa Islam (Voice of al-Islam) Headline News, 2009. Mernissi, Fatimah. Menengok Kontroversi Peran Wanita dalam Politik. Surabaya: Dunia Ilmu, 1997. Al-Nawawi. Syarh Shahih Muslim. Kairo: al-Maktabah al-Mishriyah, Pembacaan kaum feminis terhadap hadits-hadits misoginis...(Elviandri, Asrizal Saiin, Farkhani) 257 Nurhasanah. Perempuan dalam Kitab Sahih Bukhari (Tela’ah Terhadap Hadits “Penolakan Isteri atas Ajakan Suami untuk Melakukan Hubungan Sex”). Pekanbaru: Pusat Studi Wanita UIN Suska Riau, 2006, Jurnal Marwah Volume IV, No. 2 Ouzon, Zakaria. Jinayat al-Bukhari; Inqadz al-Din min Imam al-Muhadditsin, bab al-Bukhari wa al-mar’ah. Beirut: Riad El-Rayyes Book, 2004. Sunarto. Televisi, Kekerasan, dan Perempuan. Jakarta: PT. Kompas Media Nusantara, 2009. Thalib, Muhammad. Ensiklopedi Keluarga Sakinah. Yogyakarta: Pro-U Media, 2008. Yusuf, Muhammad. Metode dan Aplikasi Pemaknaan Hadis, Relasi Iman dan Sosial-Humanistik Paradigma Integrasi-Interkoneksi. Yogyakarta: Teras, 2009id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to see how the feminists analyze a misogynistic hadits in Sahih Bukhari. Many hadits are considered misogynistic by them, especially hadits which are related to the life and position of women in Sahih Bukhari. It explains the hadits about the women are the majority of the hell dwellers. According to feminists, based on the text, the hadits succeeded in positioning the women as the majority of the hell-dwellers because they cursed and denied the goodness of their man. Such being the case, the quantity of the earth’s population is more dominated by the women than men. Thus, it implies that the majority of the inhabitants of the earth would be the hell-dwellers. If it is true, so the God’s command to compete in goodness is not used for because it has been criticized as the sinners of the hell. Nowdays, the women are better than men. If there are women who apply immorally, it is certainly that one of the factors is man. The cases of commercial sex workers can be minimized and even eliminated if there are no Man-Masher. The domestic violence cases can also be avoided if men can realize their roles, so women cannot be blamed unilaterally, even theologically threatened with the hell.id_ID
dc.publisherJurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaanid_ID
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol. 19, No. 2 (2019);243-257
dc.subjectMisogynist Haditsid_ID
dc.subjectSahih Bukhariid_ID
dc.titlePembacaan kaum feminis terhadap hadits hadits misoginis dalam Sahīh Bukhāriid_ID

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