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dc.contributor.authorMisbah, Nurjannah
dc.contributor.authorArief, Budiman
dc.contributor.authorRini, Ernawati
dc.contributor.authorAlfi, Ari Fakrur Rizal
dc.contributor.authorBurhanto, Burhanto
dc.contributor.authorFaried, Rahman
dc.contributor.authorRamdhany, Ismahmudi
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Nursing Education Perspectives 27 (5), 260-268id_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timurid_ID
dc.subjectBuku Panduanid_ID
dc.titlePanduan karya tulis ilmiah (KTI) program studi diploma III keperawatan : fakultas ilmu keperawatan universitas muhammadiyah kalimantan timurid_ID

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