Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Corporate Governance, Profitabilitas, Size, Growth, dan Nilai Perusahaan 

      Latief, Azhar; Fauziah, Fenty (Owner: Riset & Jurnal Akuntansi, 2023-04)
      The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of profitability as measured by ROA, size as measured by total assets, and growth as measured by asset growth on firm value as measured by Tobin's Q; ...
    • The Determinants of Islamic Banking Capital Structure in Indonesia 

      Fauziah, Fenty; Latief, Azhar; Jamal, Sri Wahyuni (Al-Tijary Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2020-06)
      The decision about capital structure is an important part of the banking industry because it is related to the interests of many parties such as investors, creditors, and company management. Therefore, this study aims to ...
    • The Dividend Payment Puzzle 

      Unknown author (EKOMABIS: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis, 2024-07)
      This study's objective is to ascertain and identify influencing the decision to pay dividends. Dividend data were subjected to fixed effects model. Panel regression analysis taken from annual reports issued by manufacturing ...
    • The Effect of Capital Structure and Profitability on the Value of Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 

      Fenty, Fauziah; Tri, Munawwaroh; Nita, Rislawati (Management and Economics Journal, 2023-04-11)
      Study this aim for analyze and explain influence capital structure and profitability to score company on company industry pharmacy on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Population study this is company pharmacy listed on ...