Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Kajian Persebaran Spasial Kualitas Air Sungai KarangMumus, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur
(Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan, Pusat Penelitian Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH), Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2017-12)
Problem of river pollution caused domestic waste human activity as residences, home industries and market. Karang Mumus River is SubwatershedMahakam through Samarinda City. Purpose of this research is to analysethe spatial ...
Analisis Kandungan Phospat (PO4) Dan Nitrat (NO3)Di Sungai Karang Mumus Samarinda.
(EnviroScienteae, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2017-11-03)
Estuary of Karang Mumus River is Mahakam River that used for drinking water substance inaroundSamarinda Province East Kalimantan. There are communities live along floodplain areaand use water in the river for daily activities ...
Spatial Distribution Of Fecal Coliform Pollution In Karang Mumus River, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
(ProcediaEnvironmental Science, Engineering and Management, 2016-09-27)
Samarinda is an urban area and the capital of East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. Karang Mumus River through the city of Samarinda and there are many settlement along the riverbank. Many ...
Strategy of Water Pollution Control Base On Social EconomicActivitiy, in Karang Mumus River, Samarinda East Kalimantan,Indonesia
(ICENIS 2017, 2018-02-21)
Water Po llut io n in K arang Mumus River caused society behavior along the river. Daily activity such as bath, washing and defecate at the river. Garbage, sediment, domestic waste and flood ...
Pollution Load Capacity Analysis of BOD, COD, and TSS in Karang Mumus River, Samarinda
(Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2020-06-20)
The Rivers in Indonesia often accommodate pollution from all community activities. This happened due to a large number of people who use watersheds for living. One of those rivers is the Karang Mumus River ...
Indoor Air Quality of Physical and Microbiological in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
(Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability, 2021-11-12)
Indoor air quality is important for mental health and comfortable environment inside the rooms. Poor indoor air quality has impact to the sick building syndrome to occupant in the rooms. Physical and microbiological are ...
Wastewater Quality and Pollution Load of Each Stage in Tempeh Production
(Indonesian Journal of Urban and Enviromental Technology, 2022-10)
Aim: This study is purpose to understand the chemical and physical characteristics and pollution load in each step of tempeh wastewater: washing, boiling, soaking and mixing. However, wastewater from tempeh production is ...
(Jukung, Banjarbaru, 2020)
Rumah Sakit menghasilkan limbah cair yang didominasi amonia tinggi. Limbah cair yang
mengandung amonia bersifat korosif dan dapat menimbulkan iritasi. IPAL RSUD Abdul
Wahab Sjahranie merupakan IPAL konvensional. Tujuan ...
Kadar pH, kesadaran dan besi (Fe) pada air sumur bor contain of pH, Hardness and iron (Fe) levels in drill well water in Samarinda
(Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, 2022-08-15)
Clean water is a human need for daily needs such as bathing, washing and toileting. In addition, clean
water as a source of drinking water provided that it has been disinfected for example by cooking. The
clean water ...
Analisis status mutu air sungai karang mumus dan dampak kesehatan segmen tanah dan waduk benanga kota Samarinda
(Jurnal ilmiah bidang pengolahan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan, 2022-11-15)
Water is an environmental component that has an important role in human life. Water is needed by humans in daily activities. Increasing population and environmental changes have an impact on water quality, one of which ...