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dc.description.abstract | Background, This research background was south kalimantan as the first province which had highest early marriage number in Indonesia. The biggest ethnic in South kalimantan was Banjar ethnic. The Impacts and losses arising from early marriage to a woman as low birth weight, maternal mortality and infant mortality and divorce as well as early marriage that occurred in Kelua subdistrict of Tabalong regency South Kalimantan. Objective, The objective of this study was to explore in depth information about the factors behind the occurrence of early marriage on banjar ethnic women and the impact of pregnancy and childbirth for Banjar ethnic women who married early age. Methode, This research method was qualitative phenomenology with informants retrieval method using purposive sampling technique and the amount informants in the study were as many as 15 people consisting of five informants support (2 parents, 1 chieftain , 1 religious figure, and 1 Public Health Expert) and 10 key informants (Banjar ethnic woman who married a young age). Data collection techniques using in-depth interview with the voice recorder tool. Results, The results of this research indicated that the factors underlying early marriage on Banjar ethnic women rate was a factor as they liked and did not want to happen things that were not desirable, would like to have grandchildren, dropout, low economy, the rules of the village and forced by parents and the impact that would be faced by women when pregnant and giving birth at a young age was a miscarriage even though most of the key informants did not face it. Researcher suggested that parents can control the child's wishes and desires of parents it self to marry their child at an early age. The parents should consider and wait until the child was ready mentally, physically, and emotionally to build a household with a partner later. The role of health workers, especially health care communities were essential in providing the communication of information and education about early marriage and posed a serious impact on the reproductive organs of women who married early age so that people know and can consider delaying the age of marriage. | id_ID |