Pengaruh Lingkungan dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Samarinda
This research is aimed at finding out whether work environment and discipline significantly affect employees’ performance and which variable is dominant towards the employees’ work performance in Ministry of Religious Affairs Samarinda. Those variables could be explained as the following. The result of multiple linear regression calculation was Y = 2.343 + 0.364 (X1) + 3.544 (X2). The value of correlation coefficient (R) was 0.702 which means there was a strong correlation between independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). The interpretation of correlation coefficient was at the interval between 0.492 – 0.702. Then, based on the value of coefficient of determination (R2) earned value 0.492 or 49.2% which means that the work environment and discipline affect the employees’ performance by 49.2% while the remaining 50.8% was contributed by other variables. The value of F acquired from F-test was 15.515 and the significant level was 0.000. Based on the output of F-test > F-distribution (15.515 > 3.29) and the value significant level of 0.000 was below 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Hence it can be concluded that work environment and discipline variables significantly affected the employees’ performance (Ho rejected and Ha accepted). The t-statistic result for work environment variable showed beta value of 0.103 and the value of t-test was 0.364 with significant level of 0.718 which was higher than 0.05 (0.718 > 0.05), t-distribution was 1.694 which means t-test < t-distribution (0.364 < 1.694). It can be concluded that work environment variable did not significantly affect the employees’ performance (Ho accepted and Ha rejected).
The work discipline variable showed beta value of 0.786 and t-test of 3.544 with significant level of 0.001 which was lower than 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05), t-distribution was 1.694 which means t-test > t-distribution (3.544 > 1.694). It can be concluded that work discipline variable significantly affected the employees’ performance (Ho rejected and Ha accepted). Based on partial F-test, the variable which significantly affected employees’ work performance in Ministry of Religious Affairs Samarinda was work discipline variable with t-test > t-distribution (3.544 > 1.694). Therefore the Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted.